Monday, August 21, 2006

Because every once in a while, your vagina goes haywire

I was checking my email this morning when all of a sudden I was distracted by one of those annoying pop up ads. I normally ignore these, but the words vaginal testing sheets caught my eye.

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Fem-V, The Vaginal Infection Test--because not all vaginal infections are yeast infections!

I have mixed feelings about this one.

While I think it's great that there's now an over the counter solution to finding out whether that stinging sensation is the result of your own crazy vagi or your boyfriend giving you a little bit of that nasty stuff, I'm just not convinced that the general public is ready to be diagnosing vaginal diseases. According to the ad, 80% of women can't differentiate between a "simple yeast infection" and something more serious. If this is actually true, that means the vast majority of women walking around with itchy and odorous woman parts have unsuccessfully treated their Chlamydia with Mono-Stat 7. In which case, Fem-V is definitely in order all across the globe(especially in large teen populations and parts of the Caribbean and South Pacific). But on the other hand, I'm not all that comfortable with a glorified maxi pad telling me that my vagina is malfunctioning on serious levels. Call me crazy, but I'd rather pay to have Dr. Jones poke around my privates and tell me officially that Billy has burned's more humane that having a panty liner silently mock you as you stare at it in disbelief.

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