Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I’m rockin’ stilettos hoe!

Youtube is a beautiful thing. It gives me the opportunity to watch funny things I would ordinarily overlook, or catch up on music videos that I somehow missed the first time around or are too bootleg to be shown on any bonafide channel. Case in point…the very catchy song “Stilettos” by Crime Boss.

Anyone who knows me can verify that I have a borderline unhealthy obsession with shoes. And anyone that sings the praises of these little lovelies is someone I would tip my hat to. But you have got to be f*cking kidding me with this song! I’ve never doubted the existence of hoodrats in this world, I’ve actually befriended a couple of them a time or two. But seriously, what kind of chick makes a song like this!? I’m willing to bet that this song will become an underground hit solely because of its ridiculousness, sort of like “Whistle While You Twerk” or “White Tee”. There is enough bad music in the world so it’s a shame that Crime Boss is adding to it, but if I ever hear this song in the club, please believe that I will be rockin’ stilettos hoe! Rockin’ stilettos hoe!”


Mosichi said...

This song is like 2 years old Coco, step your game up!

Coco Stasia said...

Hey hey hey! I've been living in a third world country for a year!